Four Ways Men’s Bodies Declines As You Age (And What You Can Do About It)

How the Perito Clinic can help with aging-related issues

Few men have the same physical and sexual prowess in their 40s and beyond that they once had in their 20s. Although getting older and wiser has its benefits (being able to rent a car or afford to pay a mortgage spring to mind), the physical and mental toll of not performing as well at the gym or between the sheets can have a major impact on your quality of life.

Here are some things that can happen to men’s bodies as they age, and how you can slow, halt, or even reverse them.

  • You don’t feel as strong: Sorry to break it to you, but you start getting weaker in your 30s and 40s. It’s called sarcopenia, and it leads to loss of muscle and difficulty with basic tasks like walking, lifting, getting out of a chair, and climbing stairs.

    Medical studies suggest an average loss of 8% of your muscle mass every decade. Although this figure can vary based on exercise, diet and lifestyle, the blunt truth is that men get weaker as they age.

    What you can do about it: In addition to leading a healthy lifestyle, men can help slow the progress of sarcopenia with testosterone treatments such as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or slow-release testosterone pellets underneath the skin. Both treatments are fast, effective, and available at the Perito Clinic in Miami. Patients who undergo either typically regain muscle mass and stamina for extended periods.

  • You can’t get it up like you used to: Remember your younger days when you’d stand at attention, so to speak, at a moment’s notice? Your lifestyle can play a big part of it, but age is a key factor: Age-related erectile dysfunction, or ARED affects roughly 10% of men in their 40s, 50% of men in their 50s, and 70% of men in their 60s.

    What you can do about it: There’s a range of widely available pills that can help with ED, but they’re not a silver bullet. Up to 40% of men with ED have found that medication doesn’t help with their problem, and the side effects of usage can include sudden blindness, higher blood pressure, and a greater risk of melanoma.

    For men who are unable to sustain a lasting erection, penile implants are a time-tested and proven surgical procedure. Perito Clinic founder Dr. Paul Perito has developed a form of penile prosthesis called the Perito Implant that can be placed in 15 minutes in an outpatient procedure and restores erectile function. Dr. Perito performs this procedure hundreds of times per year and has trained surgeons worldwide.

  • You’re rarely “in the mood”: Not being able to sustain an erection is one thing, not missing it is another one entirely. A man’s lifestyle and psychological state can impact his libido, but age is a critical factor as well.

    What you can do about it: Once again, testosterone therapy can help save the day (and your sex life). Medical studies have linked age-related decreases in testosterone in men and found that restoring healthy levels can increase sex drive accordingly. 
  1. It doesn’t look as big or as appealing: Here’s the bad news: Your penis will likely get smaller with age. Here’s the worse news: It might also develop a bent or crooked appearance. Both penile atrophy and Peyronie’s disease (where plaque buildup in the penile tissue can cause it to appear bent) become more common with age.

    What you can do about it: Here’s the good news: Penile shrinkage, Peyronie’s disease, and other negative changes in the appearance of your penis can be addressed at the Perito Clinic. Dr. Perito developed the UroFill® technique, the only patented world-wide girth enhancement and shaping method that has been clinically proven to be safe and efficacious. Performed solely by board-certified urologists and surgeons, UroFill® can safely add and restore penile girth through a staged process that can shape and build the penis to the patient’s specifications.

Getting older isn’t always fun, but the treatments performed and pioneered by Dr. Perito and the Perito Clinic can help men of all ages live their best lives. To find out more or to schedule your consultation, contact us today!

Age is inevitable, loss of libido, strength, and penile girth doesn’t have to be!

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