Miami Penile Implant Clinic
If you’re looking for the most experienced team to handle your penile implant, your search is over. Perito Urology is the World’s #1 Penile Implant Clinic for well over ten years and our surgical outcomes are far superior to the national average with minimal recovery time. We use a prosthesis with a 98% patient satisfaction rate and Perito Urology routinely performs 500 implant procedures a year. Dr. Perito has become a global training facility for physicians to learn the streamlined infrapubic approach.
Surgical Restoration of Erectile Function
Perito Urology handles multiple forms of penile implants but for the majority of our patients suffering from erectile dysfunction, we use a 3-piece inflatable pump-style prosthesis. Two inflatable rods are placed in the erection chambers of the penile shaft, and a pump, attached to a fluid-filled reservoir is placed in the scrotum and abdomen. To create an erect, penetrating penis, simply squeeze the pump in the scrotum to fill the rods with fluid, creating a natural erection. The harder or more frequently you squeeze the pump, the more fluid is transferred from the reservoir to the cylinders, and the harder your erection becomes.
When you no longer desire your erection, simply squeeze the deflation mechanism above the pump, returning fluid to the reservoir and reverting the penis to a flaccid state.
The prosthesis is discreet with all components fully hidden within your body. Because the device gives you the ability to fully deflate, no one will be able to tell by looking that you have a penile implant.
Patients will receive a comprehensive test and work-up that measures key findings important to understanding the state of their penile vascular system. This study allows Dr. Perito to recommend treatments that will be successful and eliminate those that won’t. The evaluation process takes just 15 minutes and the procedure is routinely performed in less than 15 minutes. Most patients see a full recovery and return to sexual activity within 3-4 weeks. It is important to know that untreated erectile dysfunction can lead to penile atrophy and shortening of the penis. In other words, use it or lose it!
Patients will receive a comprehensive test and work-up that measures key findings important to understanding the state of their penile vascular system. This study allows Dr. Perito to recommend treatments that will be successful and eliminate those that won’t. The process takes just 15 minutes.
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