Testosterone Replacement Therapy
The hormone testosterone plays a big part in men’s health, but perhaps its most meaningful role is to fuel sex drive and performance.
Testosterone levels tend to decrease with age. They peak by early adulthood and then can drop by up to 1% per year beginning around age 40. Sometimes an abrupt fall occurs because of an injury or illness (such as an infection), chemotherapy or radiation treatment, or certain medications.
When testosterone levels drop too low, men can experience a lackluster libido and erectile dysfunction (ED). Low levels can also contribute to fatigue, mood changes, reduced muscle mass, and loss of bone strength.
Most men can still maintain adequate levels of testosterone well into their later years. Staying healthy also helps slow the decline. Still, many older men consider testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to boost depleted levels. It’s natural to think that TRT could make a man feel younger and add zest to his sex life.
TRT is for life. Would a diabetic stop his insulin? NO! TRT is the fountain of youth that is good for your brain, bones, heart, muscle, energy, and libido. Because of the stigma related to increased libido, one will find what I like to describe as the Testosterone Conspiracy Theories! Testosterone is cardio-protective, prostate-protective, and good for your soul. My Dad, a psychoanalyst, once told me that if the fund of knowledge regarding Low T existed when he was in practice, he may have successfully treated as many as 50% of his male patients once thought to be depressed.
AND, FINALLY!!! Stay away from the testosterone boosters and age rejuvenation centers. They make you a recipe that benefits them, not you. We will tailor your treatment to your specific needs and follow you along the way. Educate yourself; the data is all out there for your consumption. – Dr. Paul Perito
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