UroFill®: More Than Just Girth Enhancement
UroFill®, the premier patented girth enhancement procedure, has been performed thousands of times since its development in 2014. But did you know it can provide more than penile width? It can also be used for sculpting and shaping the penis.
Why would I need penile sculpting?
- Peyronie’s Disease: This is a disease where scar tissue begins to form in the erectile body of the penis, often leading to a crooked or bent appearance. While a urologic surgeon can treat Peyronie’s using a “scratch” technique to remove accumulated plaque, it can also result in deformity. UroFill®’s patented technique can use hyaluronic acid treatments to restore its appearance.
- Malleable and Inflatable Penile Prostheses: The placement of a penile implant is a safe and effective approach to treat erectile dysfunction and to restore the sex life of a patient. Unfortunately, some patients are unhappy with the resulting appearance, which, while functional, can appear as more oval-shaped, especially in the area below the implants. UroFill® can be used to treat this to give a rounder penis and to construct a new urethra.
- Aesthetics: Penile sculpting doesn’t need to be performed solely as a treatment for urologic disorders: It can simply be performed to enhance the appearance of the penis to the patient’s satisfaction. The UroFill® technique is performed solely by board-certified surgeons trained to work with patients to get their desired results, be that enhanced girth, a more appealing shape, or as a treatment following a surgical procedure.
Get the penis you want with UroFill®–contact us today!
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