Penis Length vs. Girth: Which is More Important to Women (and Gay Men)?

The question of whether women prefer penis length or girth has been a topic of much debate and curiosity.
So what is it that women actually desire? What is it that they actually think in the back of their minds (or even the front of their minds?) Do they really want a partner with a longer penis or a wider, thicker penis? How does one or the other affect their satisfaction?
As men, we often wonder about this (perhaps too much). Several medical studies and surveys over the last 25 years have explored length and width from the scientific perspective, offering surprising insights into what women generally value more when it comes to penis size.
And while many traditional stereotypes suggest that a longer penis is universally preferred, this research suggests that women’s preferences are much more nuanced with a surprising nod to girth over length.
So instead of just imagining what women really want, let’s do a deep dive into the actual medical research and surveys about length vs. width in terms of women’s preferences, as well as the preferences of gay men, and see what the medical research actually found.
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The 3D Model ‘Penis Without a Body’ Study
One well known medical study conducted in 2015 by UCLA and published in PLOS ONE, used 3D printed models of penises of sizes and asked 75 women to choose which they preferred. The results consistently indicated a preference for average to slightly longer-than-average length combined with an above-average girth. This suggests that while length might initially attract attention, girth plays a larger role in a woman’s actual sexual satisfaction.
One Night Stand Size vs. Long Term Partner Size
Another well known study, conducted at UCLA’s Sexual Psychophysiology and Affective Neuroscience (SPAN) Laboratory aimed to answer the question of whether length or girth was more important to women. Researchers surveyed 75 women and found that the majority preferred a thicker penis rather than a longer one when it came to one-night stands or casual encounters. This may be because a wider penis creates a feeling of fullness, which may enhance sexual pleasure during intercourse. In fact, more than 85% of the participants reported that they found girth to be more critical for overall satisfaction.
The Australian Life-Sized Figure Study
But some scientific studies show that there are more nuances than just a simple girth vs. length comparison.
A study at the Australian National University in Canberra involved the creation of 49 uniquely individual, nude, computer generated life-sized male figures. Each of the “manicans” varied in three traits: height, shoulder-hip ratio and flaccid penis size.The conclusion of this study was that penis size interacts with body shape and height to influence male attractiveness in women. NBC News actually did a piece on this study as well.
Women’s Survey About Width vs. Length and Satisfaction
When comparing a long, skinny penis to a shorter, wider one, the results often lean in favor of the latter. A well-known study on girth vs. length in BMC Women’s Health in 2001 pointed out that most women preferred a penis that was of moderate length but greater girth. A long but narrow penis may not offer the same level of friction and sensation that contributes to sexual pleasure, which might explain the inclination toward more girth.
From a biological perspective, the ability to create pleasurable friction within the vaginal canal is key. A penis that is long but narrow might not provide enough stimulation to the nerve-rich lower third of the vagina, whereas a shorter but thicker penis can offer more pleasurable pressure in that most sensitive area. The study provides an empirical basis for understanding women’s preferences in physical attributes that influence sexual satisfaction.
Preferences for Gay Men
While studies specifically addressing the preferences of gay men are fewer, there are some insights worth noting. A 2013 study in the Archives of Sexual Behavior surveyed 1,000 gay and bisexual men about their preferences.
The results showed that, much like heterosexual women, girth was often prioritized over length for overall satisfaction for gay males. Some respondents indicated that a thicker penis enhanced the experience of intimacy, especially when it came to receptive anal sex, as it provided a greater sense of fullness and pressure.
The Verdict: Girth Wins Across the Board
The consensus across multiple studies, including the PNAS research, is clear: Girth generally provides more sexual satisfaction than length for both women and gay men. This preference is likely due to the increased friction and sensation provided by a wider girth, which stimulates more nerve endings during penetration.
Why Girth Matters More
For many women, girth is closely associated with enhanced sensation during vaginal penetration. The walls of the vagina contain numerous nerve endings, and a thicker penis can provide more stimulation to these areas. Furthermore, some experts point out that the “stretching” feeling during penetration is pleasurable for many women, adding to their preference for girth over length. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about the actual experience during intimacy.
This is not to say that length is insignificant. It can be a factor in certain sexual positions or situations where deeper penetration is desired. However, research, such as the “3D model study” conducted by Dr. Nicole Prause and colleagues, highlights that girth seems to consistently have a stronger impact on women’s sexual satisfaction.
In Conclusion
The debate over penis length versus girth has been ongoing, but the research points towards girth being more important for many women when it comes to sexual satisfaction. While length can certainly be appealing in certain situations or preferences, it appears that the sensation provided by girth plays a more crucial role in creating pleasure for most women. Similarly, many gay men also tend to favor girth for enhanced sensation.
It’s important to remember that every individual’s preferences are unique. Communication between partners, openness, and confidence can often matter far more than any physical attribute.
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