What is Hyaluronic Acid (and Why Would I Have It Injected?)
Hyaluronic acid is perhaps tied with CBD for being the buzziest ingredient in recent years, used for everything from topical skin treatments to injected fillers to penile girth enhancement (one in particular springs to mind). But what is it? Is it safe? Does it work? Read on to find out.
What is hyaluronic acid?
Hyaluronic acid, or HA, is a water-retaining substance that naturally occurs in all animal tissues. Human skin is roughly six percent HA, but it can also be found in cartilage, connective tissue, eyes, joints and other parts of the body. As humans age, they tend to produce less HA, causing tissue to lose volume and hydration.
Is hyaluronic acid safe?
As a naturally-occuring substance HA is safe for usage with some caveats. Its widespread usage means that many companies have made grandiose claims that may be exaggerated. When used for injections by less skilled or unqualified providers, there is a risk of complications including bruising, pain or worse which is why it’s important to check the credentials and before and after results of anyone before picking a provider.
When deployed properly, HA is natural, effective, bio-compatible, and if need be, reversible. In development of the UroFill™penile girth enhancement technique, eight years of testing and study by top-rated urologists have determined it to be safe when injected by a trained professional.
Does it work?
Again, not all products and providers are created equal. Many treatments will be less effective, and in the wrong hands, injected HA may not achieve the desired results. When performed by a well-trained surgeon, the results are ultimately only limited by what the patient wants!
How does it compare to other forms of girth enhancement?
HA is by far the most effective and safest method of penile girth enhancement by a wide margin. Other forms of treatment including silicone have proven to not be as long-lasting, have negative side effects, and don’t achieve the same levels of bio compatibility.
Have any questions about HA and how it can be injected via the UroFill™ patented technique? Contact us today!